Parent Resources

  • Find My Voice Therapy Services on Instagram

    The page includes various tips and tricks to promote language skills with your little one.

  • ASHA Developmental Milestones

    Find your child's age in the link and learn about age-appropriate speech, language, and hearing development according to the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association. (ASHA)

  • Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development

    There are many ways you can help your child learn to understand and use words. Here are some activities to promote speech and language skills.

  • Early Steps

    Early Steps provides early intervention services to infants and toddlers, from birth to 36 months, with developmental delays, disabilities and at-risk conditions.

  • FDRLS Parent Services

    FDLRS Parent Services provides information, training, and support to districts and families, in order to promote effective parent participation in the education of children who are exceptional and/or have special needs. Services include assistance in the development of family-friendly programs, training and support for services for children with disabilities, and the support of partnerships between schools and parents to support student achievement.